News at Cactus Moravia International January 2023

Dear friends, dear cactus and succulent growers,

On behalf of the entire Cactus Moravia International team, we wish you good health, happiness and much success in growing and working in the New Year 2023.

It is also a great pleasure to welcome two brand new faces to our international team, Mrs Martina Colli from Italy and Mrs Vicky Davies from the United Kingdom, both of them are our newly officially authorized sales representatives and please feel free to contact them, they can greatly facilitate and simplify the ordering process of our cactus and succulent seeds for you in your destinations.

On our website you can still download the current offer of cactus and succulent seeds, we are looking forward right now to your orders in the new year 2023, thank you very much.

In other news, we are now running a special promotion „Your favourite RR registered parcel with tracking number Postage permanently free“.

Anyone who orders cactus and succulent seeds from us with a minimum value of 500 CZK (equivalent to 20 EUR) or (equivalent to 22 USD) will not be charged any postage at all, i.e. for the most popular RR type of shipment, postage is always already free when the minimum order value limit of cactus and succulent seeds is met.

So we’re reaching out to you in today’s tough economic times and we hope you’ll enjoy our new permanent unlimited-time promotion „Your favourite RR registered mail with tracking number Postage permanently free“.

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